Drainage Assessments in Northern Ireland (NI)

What is a Drainage Assessment in Northern Ireland and do I need a Drainage Assessment?

A drainage assessment is a planning document and specified in revised Planning Policy Statement 15 (PPS 15) or local planning authority policy such as ENV4 Flood Risk (Belfast City Council). A Drainage Assessment is a planning document that is used to demonstrate that a development can be safely drained without undue flood risk to the proposed development site or elsewhere.

A Drainage Assessment is required for proposed developments if any of the following is exceeded:

  • 10 or more residential units

  • development sites larger than 1 hectare (10,000m2)

  • Change of use involving new buildings and / or hardstanding exceeding 1000 square metres (total).

    Or if there is a history of surface water flooding, or surface water runoff may adversely impact other development or features of importance.

Housing development
Housing development

Our principles

Expert Drainage Assessments

Flood map for a site
Flood map for a site

Customized Drainage Designs

Collaboration and Compliance

Hydraulic modelling
Hydraulic modelling

We provide comprehensive drainage assessments to ensure that your site meets all necessary requirements and regulations of PPS15. We will evaluate the existing drainage system, identify any potential issues, and recommend effective solutions.

Our experienced consultants specialise in creating customized drainage designs tailored to your specific project needs. We take into account factors such as site topography, outfall locations, soil conditions, and rainfall patterns to develop efficient and sustainable drainage solutions.

We work closely with architects, planning consultants, and developers throughout the entire development process. Our team ensures compliance with planning requirements and liaises with relevant authorities, such as Northern Ireland Water, DfI Rivers, and NIEA (DEARA), to address any necessary approvals or permits.